Recycling Information


Recycling Information

Where can I get a recycling decal for my bin?

These are available at county and local municipal offices, libraries and senior centers. Or call the Recycling Info-Line at 518-736-5504 to request by mail.


Can I use a plastic bag?

NO PLASTIC BAGS are allowed in single stream recycling (with the exception of shredded paper from a paper shredding machine).

Everything should be loose – do not separate or put into plastic bags (Do not tie up bundles of cardboard either).


Can I have more than one recycling bin?

 Yes. There is not a limit, but have at least one marked bin in the group.


How does single stream recycling work?

 All recyclable items – paper, cardboard, plastic, metal and glass – need to be mixed together loosely in one bin. Lids and labels can be left on recyclable containers, which should be empty and rinsed before recycling
 Recyclables must be placed in your designated recycling bin (a durable, lidded, plastic or metal container of your choice, 35 gallon maximum), marked with a DSW-issued sticker.
 More than one recycling bin is OK. Do not place recyclables in plastic bags for collection (shredded paper is the only exception). No string, no bags, no trash allowed.


Helpful Hints:

  • Step on milk jugs, detergent bottles, etc., to make room in the bin.
  • Cardboard must be flattened. If it does not fit in the bin, put it beside or under the recycling bin.
  • Curbside recycling should be out by 6 a.m. the day of pick up or put out the night before.
  • 50 pound limit on recycling bins. You can use more than one bin. 
  • Consider waiting until your next recycling day during high winds or severe snow storms. Do not put recycling containers on snow banks.
      Transfer station users can transport recycling in any container and then must dump it loose into singlestream recycling container at the station.
Recycling Calendar (PDF - 4.8 MB)
© 2025 Town Of Mayfield, Fulton County
Website Contact: Michael J Stewart
28 North School Street PO Box 308
Mayfield, NY 12117
Phone: Town Hall 518-661-5414 Webmaster 518-332-2685
Website Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to authenticate the information posted to this site at the time of posting, it is not warranted to be correct. If you have any questions about the content of this site, please contact the webmaster at 518-332-2685 .
Printed On February 19, 2025